We Have Landline Again!

Up at 6:30am this morning in preparation for the call, sometime between 7:00am and 7:00pm, telling us the repairperson was 30 minutes out. Workmen from the city began making their noise at about 7:15am. Just before 10:00am, the landline phone rang.

Yes, it took me half a beat to recognize it as the landline ringing.

It turned out to the repairman, out in the alley, telling me we were back in business. It's a temporary hook-up until the city finishes in the alley, after which the phone company will return and bury the line properly.

No, we didn't need to be home to give anyone access to the house. No, the temporary repair (or the permanent one when the time comes) didn't need access to the house. No, we wouldn't get a bill. (Ahem.)

And it's working!