About Lee Martindale
“Most writers will tell you they’ve been writing most of their lives, and I’m no exception. If it hadn’t been for that tornado in 1974, I’d probably still be hiding a pencil-on-lined-notebook-paper romance manuscript I wrote in high school. I began writing for other people’s consumption in the mid-80s – essays, op-ed pieces, and regular columns on size acceptance issues in several organizational newsletters and magazines. In the early 90s, I started getting paid for that kind of thing. I also started writing – and selling – short fiction.”
Lee Martindale made her first professional fiction sale, to Marion Zimmer Bradley for Snows of Darkover , at the age of 43. Since then, her stories have appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies, including three volumes of Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Sword & Sorceress anthology series, Turn The Other Chick, Chicks and Balances, Witch Way To The Mall, and Fangs For The Mammaries for Esther Friesner, Roby James’ Warrior Wisewoman 2, the Sharon Lee/Steve Miller-edited Low Port, Martin Greenberg and Janet Dever-Pack’s Catopolis, and three volumes of Selina Rosen’s Bubbas of the Apocalypse anthology series. Bard’s Road: The Collected Fiction of Lee Martindale, a compilation of twenty-nine of her short stories, was published in 2014.
In addition to slinging fiction, Lee is a Named Bard, an ordained ULC minister, and a Lifetime Active Member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, where she served two 3-year terms on the Board of Director and was the author and driving force behind the organization’s Accessibility Guidelines. She also served well over a decade on the Grievance Committee as Senior Mediator, and received the 2019 Service to SFWA Award.
Her hobbies include music, theater, movies, several fandoms, and sharp pointy things, like rapiers and knitting needles. She and her husband share a home in a Dallas suburb.
In addition to this website and The Bard’s Fire blog, you can also find her on:
Follow her on Twitter: @Lee_HarpHaven