Well, Drat

First off, kudos to the folks at OutlantaCon 2020 for being on top of things with a robust and practical plan for the convention during the current Covid-19 outbreak, for acknowledging that we each have to make the call for ourselves, and for graciously accepting the call when it’s made.

In my case, the call was not an easy one. I love this convention, the people who put it on, the guests and attendees. I love the mischief they get me into. It’s a convention I always want on my schedule. However, age and several chronic medical issues put me squarely in the segment of the population most seriously affected by the Covid-19 virus, with air travel and large groups of people being serious risks. The decision to cancel was not an easy one, but the right one under the circumstances.

That doesn’t mean I have to like it, or that I’m still not sorry I have to cancel.